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Kreyol [ Haitian Creole ]


I ~ Kreyol pronunciation ( e )( as in eve )

ID Card / kat-didantite

ice / glas

ice cream / krèm

ice pick / pik

identify / idantifye

identification / idantite

idiot / idyo

idiot / baba

idle / aryenafè

if / si

ignorance / iyorans (same as: liyorans, inyorance)

ignorant of / iyore

ignorant / iyoran (same as: sòt, kreten)

ignore / vag

ill / malad

ill-bred / maledve

ill-mannered / bourik

illegitimate / ilejitim, deyò

illicit / anbachal

illness / maladi

image / imaj

imaginatiom / imajinasyon

imagine / imajine

imbecile / enbesil (same as: joko)

imitate / imite

imitation / imitasyon

immature (unripe) / ole

immediate / imedyat

immediately / touswit

immense / imans

immigrant / imigran

immigration / v. imigrasyon

immoral / imoral

immortal / imòtèl

impart / montre

impatient / enpasyan

impeach / anpeche, revoke

implicate / enplije

important / enpòtan

impossible / enposib

impress / enpresyone

improve / amelyore

in / nan, non, andedan, a, an

in a good mood / sou san (sou san-m)

in a while / talè

in case / sizoka

in it / ladan

in order to / pou

in February 1993 / nan mwa fevrye lane 1993

in general / an jeneral

in step / opa

in that area, around there / la-yo

in the wink of an eye / taptap (adv.)

in vain / pou granmèsi

inbred / ras kabrit

inbreed / akouple

incense / lansan

incessantly / plede

inch / pous

incise / koupe

incite / ensite

inclination / pant, enklinasyon

increase / ogmantasyon, (v) ogmante

incredible / enkwayab

indeed / kanmenm

independent / endepandan

index / endeks indicate / endike, montre

indict / akize

indignation / endiyasyon

individual / grenn pa grenn, (n) oun

industrialization / endistriyalizasyon

infect / enfekte

infertile / arid

influence / enfliyans

information / enfomasyon, vansèyman

inherit / eritye

inheritance / eritaj

initial / inisyal, premye

ink / lank

innocent / inosan

inquire / fè demann

insane / fou

insert / foure

inside / andedan

insist / ensiste

insolent / ensolan

inspect / kontrole

install / v. enstale

instant / enstantane, (n) moman

instead / olye

institute / enstiti

institution / enstitisyon

instruct / montre

insult / ensilt, (v) joure

intelligence / lèspri

intelligent / entelijan

intend / gen lentansyon

intent / lentansyon

interest / enterese

interfere / entèfere

international / entènasyonal

interrupt / entrèronp

intersection / kafou

into / nan

introduce / prezante

introduction / entwodiksyon

intrude / deranje

invent / envante

invisible / envizib

invite / envite

invoke / envoke

involvement / angajman

iodine / yòd

iron / fè

irrigate / irige, awoze

irritate / irite

island / il, zile

it / li

Italian / italyen

itch / demanjezon, gratèl, (v) grate

itself / li-menm

Kreyol / English

Iibo / group of voudou deities

ibo / dance rhythm associated with Ibo deities

idantifye / to identify

idantite / identify

idantifikasyon / identification

ijans / emergency

ijyèn (ijyenn, lijyèn) / hygiene

il (lil, zil, zile) / island

ilsè / ulcer

imaj / picture, illustration

imajinasyon / imagination, to imagine

imajinen / imagine

imè / humor

imid / humid

imidite / humidity

imigran / immigrant

imite / to imitate

imoralite (limoralite) / immorality, misconduct

ini (inyon) / unite

inifòm / uniform

inisyal / initial

inite / unity

initil / useless, unnecessary

inivèsite / university

inonde / flood, flooded

inosan / innocent

inosan / ingenuous, naive

inyon / union

ipokrit / hypocrite

iritasyon / irritation, inflammation

irite / to irritate, irritated

isit (isi) / here

istwa / history

istwa / story

istwa / tale

itil / useful

itilize / to use

ivè / winter

inyorans (liyorans, inyorans) / ignorance

iyore / to be ignorant of (not to know)

izin (lizin) / factory

izole / isolate

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