Kreyol [ Haitian Creole ]
T ~ Kreyol pronunciation ( te ) ( as in tell )
table / tab, tablo
table below / tablo ki anda
tail / lake, ke
tailor / tayè
take / v pran
take care of / regle
take out / rale
tale / istwa, kont
talk / v pale, koze
talk / n koze
tall / ro
tame / donte
tangle / mele
tap / v tape
tape / tep
tape recorder / n tep
target / v vize
tart / brak
task / travay
taste / n gou
taste / v goute
tax / n taks
tea / te
teach / montre, anseye
team / ekip
tear / v dechire
tear open / dekond
tease / toumante
technical / teknik
technology / teknoloji
tedious / fatigan
teenager / tinedjè
telegram / depèch
telephone / telefonn
tell / rakonte, di
tell a joke / ba blag
tell a lie / ba manti
temper / n tanperaman
tempest / tanpèt
temple / tanp
temporary / tanporè
tempt / tante
ten / dis
tenant / lokatè
tender / adj tann, sansib
tense / adj enève, rèd
tent / tant
term / tèm
terrible / terib
terror / laterè
test / n tès, egzamen
than all / pasè tout
thank / remèsye
thank god / gras a dye
theater / teat
then / alò, atò
there / la
there is/ are / genyen, gen
there it is / vwala
therefore / donk
they / yo
thick / epè
thief / vòlè
thigh / kuis
thin / fen
thing / bagay
think / reflechi, panse, kwè
third / trwazyèm
thirst / swèf
thirsty / swèf
thirteen / trèz
thirty / trant
Thomas / Toma
thought / panse
thousand / mil
thread / n fil
threat / n menas
threaten / v menase
three / twa
throat / gòj
throw / voye, lage
thumb / pous
thunder / loray
thunder / v. tonen
Thursday / jedi
ticket / tikè, biye
tidy / pwòp
tie / n kravat
tie / v mare, bande
tie down / mare tighten / sere
till / jis, jiska
timber / bwa chapant
time / lè(when), tan(general), fwa(number of ..),
timid / timid, kazwèl
tiny / toupiti
tip / tèp
tire / n. kaoutchou
tire / v fatige
tired / fatige
tissue / papye twalèt
title / n tit
to / a, nan
toast / n. pen grye
today / jodi
toe / zòtèy
together / ansanm
toil / v travay di, trimen
tomato / tomat
tomb / tonm
tomorrow / demen
the day after tomorrow / aprè demen
tongue / lang
tonight / aswè
too / tou, trò
tool / zouti
tooth / dan
top / tèt
on top of / sou, sous
torch / tòch
tortoise / tòti
torture / v malmennen
total / total
touch / v touche, manyen
tough / rèd
tourist / touris
toward / vè
towel / sèvyèt
town / vil, lavil
toy / jwèt
trace / v trase
trace / n tras
track / v suiv
trade / n metye
traffic / trafik
train / tren
traitor / trèt
transfer / v transfere
transfer / n transfè
translate / tradui
transportation / transpè
trash / n fatra
trash / v tòchonnen
travel / n vwayaj
travel / v vwayaje
treasure / trezò
treat / v trete
tree / pyebwa
tremble / tranble
tress / très
trigonometry / trignometri
trim / v bòdu
trip / n vwayaj, liny, tounen
trouble / n problèm, troub
trouble / trouble
trousers / pantalon
truck / kamyon
true / vre
truly / vrèman
trunk / kòf
trust / v fè konfyans
truth / laverite, verite
try / v eseye
Tuesday / madi
tune / mizik
turkey / kodenn
turn / tounen, vire
tutor / n profesè
twelve / douz
twenty / ven
twice / defwa
twin / jimo
twist / v tòde
two / de
type / jan
Kreyol / English
tab - (n) table
tabak - tabaco
tabatyè - (n) snuffbox
tabdénwi - nightstand
tabli, (liquid) poze, - settle v
tabliye - (n) apron
tablo - blackboard
tablo - painting (art work)
tablo ki anda - table below
tablo peryodik - periodic table
tablo - table (chart)
taboure - stool
tach - spot
tach - blot
tach - dot
tach - mark
tach - mark n
tache, mare - fasten
tache, kole - attach
tache, kole, ajoute - append
tache - pin v
taks - duty
taks - tax n
taksi - cab
talan - knack
talan - skill
talè - soon
talon - heel
talon kitkit - high heels, spike heel shoe
talonnen - to harass
talonnen - to tail, to follow closely
tan - time (general)
tan - weather
tan pou - rather than, instead of
tandiske - whereas
tandiske - while
tank - as long as
tankou, kon - like
tankou, menm, parèy - alike
tankou (otan, kom, menm ak) - as
tann, sansib - tender adj
tann, alatant - expect
tann - wait
tanp - temple
tanperaman - temper n
tanpèt - tempest
tanpete - rave v
tanpon - seal n
tanporè - temporary
tanpri - please v
tansmèt - convey
tansyon - stress
tansyon - tension
tant, matant - aunt
tant - tent
tantataif - attempt
tantataif - attempt n
tante, pran hans - attempt v
tante - tempt
taptap / rapid, fast, quick
TapTap / small passenger truck, small pickup for Public transportation
tape - tap, strike or hit
tapi - carpet
tat - pie
tate, tripote - finger v
tavhe, mare, uni - bind
tcheke, rann kont - ascertain
tcheke - gauge (v)
tcheke - gauge (v)
tchwi - leather
tè glèz, ajil - clay
tè, teren - land
tè - earth
tè - ground
te - tea
teat - theater
teknik - technical
teknoloji - technology
tèl - such
telefonn - telephone
telegram - cable
televisyon - television
tèlke - such as
tèlman - such a way
tèm - term
temerè - bold
temwen - witness n
tenbre - stamp v
tenèb - gloom
tenm - stamp n
teori - theory
tep - tape v
tep - tape recorder n
tèp - tip
teren, tè - ground
teren, jaden - field
teren - land
teren - plot (of land) n
terib - fierce
terib - terrible
terifyan - appalling
terifyan - awful
terifye - appall
tès, egzamen - test n
teste - test v.
tèt, kò - self
tèt, somè - peak
tèt klè - lucid
tèt kay, twakay - roof
tèt, (v) dirije - head
tèt klè - lucid
tèt - brain
tèt - top
tètchaje - disarray
tete, sen - breast
tete, pwatrin - bosom
tete - suck v
tètfèmal - headache
ti bèf - calf
ti gason - boy
ti rivyè - brook
ti galope - center n
tif, vyèj - virgin
tifi, djal - girl
tifi - chaste adj
tifi - daughter
tikè, biye - ticket
timid, kazwèl - timid
timid - shy
timoun - baby
timoun - child
timoun - kid
tinedjè - teenager
tinen - dwarf
tirè - hyphen
tire - to milk v
tire - to pull
tire - to shoot v
tire - to take
tise, mare - weave v
tit - title
titile - chancel v
tiyo - pipe n
tizan - embers
to - rate n
tobe-leve - on and off
tòch - torch
tòchonnen - trash v
tòde, tòdye - wring v
tòde - twist v
tòdye - wring v
Toma - Thomas
tomat - tomato
tonbe - fall v.
tonbe - start v (doing something)
tonen - thunder v.
tonm - tomb
tonnèl - shelter n
tonton, monnonk - uncle
Tonton Nwèl - Santa Claus
toro - bull
total - amount
total - total
tòti - tortoise
tou patou - anywhere (at all)
tou, ositou - also
tou dwat - straight ahead
tou, trò - too
tou - quite
toubiyon - whirl
touche, trouble - affect
touche, manyen - touch v
touche, okipe - handle (v)
touche, okipe - handle
touf - clump n
toufe - choke n
toufe - quash
toufe - quash
toufe - smother
toufe - strangle
toujou - still
toujou - yet
toulede - both
toulejou - daily
toumante, anbete - tease
tounen, vire - turn
tounen, retounen - return
tounen - become
tounen - sour (milk) v
tounen - trip n
toupit - slightly
toupiti - tiny
toupre, akote, pre - near
touris - tourist
tous - cough n
touse - cough v
touswit, imedyatman - immediately
tout bon - real
tout moun - everybody
tout lèzòt - all the others
tout - all
tout - entire
tout - whole
toutouni - bare
toutouni - naked
toutouni - nude
touye - kill
tradisyonelman - traditionally
tradui (lang) - render
tradui - translate
trafik - traffic
traka, nwi - bother
traka, nwi - bother
traka - worry n
trakase - worry v
tranble (fredi) - shiver v
tranble - tremble
tranbleman tè - quake
tranch - slice n
tranche, koupe - chop v
trangle, toufe - smother
trangle, toufe - strangle
trankil - placid
trankil - quiet
tranpe, (thirst) koupe swaf - quench
tranpe - quench
tranpe - soak v
tranpe - solution n
transfè - transfer n
transfere - transfer v
transparan, nèt - clear adj
transpètranspòtasyon - transportation
trant - thirty
trape, kenbe - catch
trape, kenbe - catch v
tras - trace n
trase - sketch v
trase - trace v
travay - task
travay - labor
travay - work
travay di, trimen - toil v
travay - job
travayè - worker
travèse, kwaze - cross v
trayi - betray
trè, bien - very (much),
tren - train
trening - training
trenke - chink v
trennen - drag
trennen - lug
très - lock (of hair)
très - plait n
très - tress
tresayi - flinch
tresayi - flinch v
trese, kòde - plait v
trèt - traitor
trete an zanmi - befriend
trete - treat v
tretman - cure
tretman - cure n
trèz - thirteen
trezò - treasure
tribinal, lakou - court
trignometri - trigonometry
trikote - knit
trimen - toil v
tripotay - gossip
tripote - finger v
tripote - finger
tris, sonm - dreary
tris, pa kontan - unhappy
tris - sad
tristès - sadness
trò - too
tròk, v tròke - barter
tròke - barter v
tronpe - beguile
tronpe - cheat v
trote - center v
troub - trouble
trouble - affect
trouble - trouble
trouble - upset
troup, bann - flock
trouve - acquire
trwazyèm - third
tuiye, touye - kill
twa pye - yard (3 feet)
twa - three
twakay - roof
twal - canvas n
twal - cloth
twalèt - bathroom
twòk, echanj - exchange n
twompe (woule) - to fool
twou nen, narin - nostril
twou - ditch
twou - hole
tyèd - warm
tyèmondis - third world